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1+1 Pantovital Plus with...
1+1 Pantovital Plus with Altai Red Brush
Beauty. Youth. Women’s health.
The Altai maral deer antlers in combination with the Altai Red Brush, which is used as an effective remedy to improve condition of the female reproductive system
Pantovital Plus (powder of Altai maral deer antlers), Altai Red Brush (Rhodiola quadrifida)
The Altai Red Brush grows in the Altai Mountains region only!
The Altai Red Brush gained the ability to reset the biological clock thanks to the phytoestrogens. Estrogens are "sculptors" of the female body, because they are responsible for even distribution of subcutaneous fat. Phytoestrogens act as regulators: in the absence of hormones, they activate them and, on the contrary, neutralize them, when in excess.
Product meeting Slovak Public Health Authority certification.
Capsules with maral deer antler powder and Altai Red Brush are useful:
• to strengthen women's health and maintain normal function of the urogenital system;
• to harmonize reproductive system of the women;
• to optimize metabolism and adjust overweight;
• to strengthen the immune system, including prevention of upper respiratory tract infections and influenza during seasonal epidemics;
• to increase overall vitality, strength and energy of the organism (in manifestations of the chronic fatigue syndrome, in case of menopause, under conditions of high physical and mental stress, etc.)
Recommendations for use
Adults - 2 capsules twice a day in the morning during meals. Period of use: 1 month. Repeated use during the year is also possible.
Individual intolerance to the product, pregnancy.
Shelf life 2 years.